Found: Easy Last-Minute Halloween Costumes for the Whole Family
We're DEEP into Spooky Season and you have SIX DAYS to get costumes together. Don't worry. We've gotchu. 🎃
Mandy Matney + Liz Ferrell @ Murdaugh Murders Podcast – CNN had them on for a special on Sunday night and they were guest on MFM. SUCH a BIG DEAL. (Congratulated them on IG and Mandy Matney added it to her story – love it!)
FYI, MFM is the show that inspired US to do our show and how I found MMP, so it’s pretty cool!
The Captioned Life Show/Host Sean for putting our trailer out there to an entirely new audience and being an all-around nice guy. Hear his promo during the episode!
⚾️ Go Sports!
Jenny: MLB post-season update! We're currently in the ALCS & NLCS. You can see updated standings here, courtesy of
Caitlin: Byron Perkins; Hampton University defensive back who came out as gay last week. October is LGBTQIA+ History Month – first-ever openly gay HBCU football player! All our best to Byron!
Current Obsessions/Products We Love
Jenny: Exfoliation mitt - seriously ANY drug store mitt. Just got get yourself one.
Caitlin: Goody Volume Boost Hair ties – no crease in my hair PLUS no saggy bun. NO ONE wants a saggy bun.
💎 Gem Of The Week
Jenny: It's official. Midnight release parties were ruined by the internet! Remember those?
Caitlin: Ruining ‘Thriller’ for Sam (6YO) by scaring him with the 13-minute version of the music video; my mother saying "Tell him he can only have nightmares on Fridays." 🤣 And, In case you were wondering, I have also ruined 'Werewolves of London' for him. Oops.
(Don't worry -- he likes the zombies. It's the werewolf/werecat thing that got him. 🌕🐺)
Real Talk! Found: Easy Last-Minute Halloween Costumes for the Whole Family
Caitlin | Jenny | Jenny |
Kids | Teens | Adults |
| | |
| Big Ups to Ree Drummond | |
Thanks for being friends of the show.
Happy Halloween!
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