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10 Things We Would Never Do To Our Kids' Teachers As Educators

Updated: Jun 2

Episode 37: Your MOM is so crumbly

10 Things We Would Never Do To Our Kids' Teachers As Educators

Real Talk: 10 Things we'd never do to our kids' teachers as educators

A reminder from Jenny: Remember the education triad - it's you, your child, and your child's educators working together towards your student's success. It's important to keep this in mind as you work to build healthy and positive relationships with your child’s teachers.

With that in mind, here are 10 things we would never do to our kids' teachers as educators.

10: We would never buy the wrong school supplies!

  • It’s actually better to wait and get the correct item than send in the wrong thing – that item is on the list for a specific reason!

  • Teachers will understand if you need to wait! Just communicate the situation and send the item as soon as you can.

9: We would never assume that it’s okay to bring birthday treats that aren’t prepped individually or without proper plates/napkins/etc.

  • It might be that food isn't okay to bring, it might not be the right time due to testing, etc. Teachers have schedules to adhere to and are happy to accommodate birthdays if they know what's going on.

  • Read the school handbook, and if it's unclear, ask about the birthday treat and party policy.

  • Ask the teacher 1 week before the birthday -- you're giving notice and time for a plan to come into place!

8: We would never believe our elementary or middle school child when they say they did all their homework.

Make kids show you the completed work. And, if you have the ability to check up on your child's grade book online, do it. There's no excuse for "I didn't know."

7: We would never send an email to a teacher after 6 PM; we use the email scheduler and have the communication arrive tomorrow morning when teachers are back at work.

(You can also send the email and say "I don't expect a response until working hours," etc.) Respect boundaries!

6: We would never request a conference without sending specific questions/concerns in that request.

  • The teacher needs to be prepared for the meeting. There may be work samples needed and/or other teachers to speak to about the student and their work.

  • Also, keep in mind how you feel when someone says "we need to talk" without specifics -- hel-looooo anxiety!

5: We would never attempt a conference in the pick-up line, just no. 

The same goes for Back-to-School Night. Introduce yourself and then walk away.

4: We would never sign documents without reading them or ignore emails from teachers.

3: We would never contact/CC/BCC the principal before going to the teacher first.

You look like a tattle-tale and no one at the school takes you seriously anymore. It burns bridges with teachers and it puts your child in a bad spot.

  • Along those lines, we would never badmouth the teacher in front of our child(ren).

2: Attempt to pick my child up early/drop them off late without going through the office – it’s a safety thing!

1: Say “My child would never” because our children would and so would yours.

Believe the adults because they aren't lying about your kiddo!

What would you add? Tell us in the comments!

Circle Time

Go Sports!

  • Serena Wiliams – GOAT – we love you and we are so thrilled to have watched you play!

  • Jenny:

  • Caitlin:

    • LeBron James just signed a two-year, $97.1M contract extension with the LA Lakers on August 17 -- from The Gist Newsletter

      • Not only does the deal make him the now highest-paid player in NBA history, but also, the deal includes the option for LeBron to move to a new team in 2024 — the same year his son, Bronny, (a top high school prospect) could be drafted into the league.

      • We love that it's about family for LeBron moving forward: “Wherever Bronny is at, that's where I'll be. I would do whatever it takes to play with my son for one year. It's not about the money at that point.”

Current Obsessions

  • Jenny: the loss of the Queen; 20-year HS reunion

  • Caitlin: Tina, my succulent; my new sunglasses -- find them, here!

Gem of the Week

  • Jenny: toilet leaking; door-to-door sales no soliciting

  • Caitlin: some monster ate half a Milano cookie in my house


Caitlin & Jenny


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