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Supporting New Moms: 6 Ways to Offer Rest, Normalcy, and Laughter

Updated: 4 days ago

6 Essential Tips for Supporting New Moms: A Guide

Hey there, fellow grown-ups! We're diving into a topic close to our hearts today: supporting new moms. Whether they're a first-time parent or have been around the block, navigating that postpartum period can be as tricky as it is rewarding. Keep reading for our tips to help new moms thrive.

Who We Are

Hey there! I'm Caitlin, a mom of one and your resident parenting expert. Along with my co-host, Jenny, a mom of two, we're here to help you navigate the crazy world of motherhood. We've been there, done that, and got the t-shirts (and the sleepless nights). Our goal is to offer practical advice, a dose of humor, and a whole lot of support to new moms and their loved ones.

What You'll Get From This Episode

  • Discover the best ways to support new moms during the postpartum period and beyond.

  • Create a restful and nurturing environment for new mothers to promote healing and relaxation.

  • Identify the most essential items needed for postpartum care to to help moms recover ASAP and support their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • Explore strategies for managing and supporting older siblings while adjusting to life with a new baby.

  • Learn to differentiate between postpartum depression and baby blues, and understand how to address concerns with a new mom and make sure she reaches out to the right people for help.


1. Rest: The New Mom's Secret Weapon

Let's be real: sleep becomes as rare as a unicorn when there's a newborn in the house. But here's the kicker—rest isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have for new moms.

Research shows that lack of sleep can ramp up stress, trigger mood swings, and even mess with milk production for breastfeeding moms. Yikes!

So, how can we help moms catch some much-needed shut-eye? Try these basic ideas:

  • Encourage naps when the baby sleeps (those dishes can totally wait)

  • Step up for night shifts or early morning feedings

  • Set up a sleep sanctuary with blackout curtains and a white noise machine

  • Introduce relaxation techniques like deep breathing or a quick meditation before bed

  • Set up a cozy nap corner with a comfy recliner and noise-canceling headphones

A well-rested mom (if such a thing exists) is a happier mom, and that positive energy ripples through the entire family.

She Needs More Than Sleep

Keep in mind that "rest" isn't just sleep. This is when the mental load carried by moms becomes exceptionally heavy. Hormones, lack of sleep, and pressure from expectations are enough to make me cry just thinking about it, and at this point, I'm 8 years out!

When you visit a new mom, resist the urge to make it all about the baby. Instead, channel your inner superhero and tackle some practical tasks:

  • Handle three chores while she rests (laundry, dishes, meal prep—you name it)

  • Take stock of household supplies and offer to pick up essentials

  • Offer to make those pesky appointment calls

  • Take the family dog for a walk (bonus points for a grooming session)

Remember my motto? See a need, fill that need. The key is to spot a need and address it. There's always something that needs doing, and your help can be a game-changer.

2. Mom Essentials: Where Comfort Meets Practicality

Now, let's chat about some must-haves that can make a new mom's life easier and comfier. It's not all about the baby gear—mama needs some TLC too!

  • A top-notch nursing pillow for those marathon feeding sessions

  • Comfy, easy-access nursing bras and PJs (because fumbling with buttons at 3 AM is no fun)

  • A cozy robe for those middle-of-the-night baby duties

  • A water bottle with a straw for hands-free hydration

  • A good book or e-reader to keep her entertained during long nursing sessions

  • A soothing body lotion or massage oil for those rare self-care moments

  • A caddy to take phones, diapers, wipes, and other essentials from one room to another

  • A portable phone charger

Remember, it's often the little things that can turn a hard day around for a new mom.

3. Nutrition: Fueling the Superhero

Eating well when you're juggling a newborn? It's like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. But good nutrition is crucial for recovery and energy. Here are some quick, nutritious meal ideas:

  • Overnight oats loaded with fresh fruits and nuts

  • Greek yogurt parfaits with crunchy granola and antioxidant-rich berries

  • Hummus and veggie wraps for a protein-packed lunch

  • Energy balls made with dates, nuts, and oats for on-the-go snacking

  • Smoothie packs (pre-portioned fruits and veggies in freezer bags) for easy blending

Pro tip: Stock her kitchen with easy-to-eat, nutritious snacks or coordinate meal deliveries. One of Jenny's friends had filled her kitchen with easy-to-eat and nutritional snacks.

You can also offer to prep meals when you've got an extra pair of hands around or be the point person to take up offers from friends and family to bring over home-cooked meals. Consider collecting money to add to a meal delivery service gift card, too!

You're not just providing food; you're removing a significant source of stress from her daily life.

4. Keeping Older Siblings Happy: The Juggling Act

Got older kiddos in the mix? Here's your chance to be the coolest adult ever:

  • Create a special "big sibling" box filled with new activities and toys

  • Set up a cozy reading nook for storytime

  • Introduce "helper" tasks that make older kids feel important

  • Facilitate one-on-one time between mom and each child

Want to be a real lifesaver? Offer to babysit. Even a short break can work wonders for a new mom's mental health. Whether it's a quick shower, a coffee run, or a much-needed nap, your time is the most valuable gift you can give.

Making sure older siblings get attention is important. Showing them how to support mom with baby care (in age-appropriate ways) can foster bonding and keep the green-eyed monster at bay.

5. Finding Your New (and Old) Normal: It's a Process

Adjusting to life with a newborn can make a mom feel like she's been dropped on a different planet. But maintaining a sense of normalcy can help new moms feel more grounded. Here are some things you can recommend to help her achieve this:

  • Create a flexible daily routine, even if it's just for certain parts of the day

  • Encourage short outings, like a stroll around the block or a quick coffee run

The Identity Crisis: Remind Her Who She Still Is

If she's a first-time mom, her world was just completely upended by her little bundle of joy. She is literally an entirely different person—complete with new hormones, brain wiring, physical appearance, and more.

But here's the thing: she's still her. And what she needs now more than ever is to feel like herself. You can help with this by:

  • Encourage connections with friends (and not just about baby stuff)—spill that work tea that you've been holding on to while she's been out on maternity leave!

  • Help maintain pre-baby rituals, like watching a favorite show

  • Remind partners to include her in household decisions

The secret? Strike a balance between embracing the new normal and holding onto bits of pre-baby life.

6. Spotting Postpartum Depression and Anxiety: It's Okay to Not Be Okay

Postpartum depression and anxiety are more common than you might think, affecting up to 1 in 7 new moms. Keep an eye out for these red flags:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness or emptiness

  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed

  • Extreme mood swings

  • Difficulty bonding with the baby

Other signs:

  • Withdrawing from family and friends

  • Changes in appetite or sleep patterns (unrelated to baby care)

  • Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy

  • Intense irritability or anger

If you spot these signs, encourage her to reach out for help. It's not weakness—it's strength.

For more information and support, check out these helpful resources:

Other Ways to Support New Moms

Tech to the Rescue: Apps and Gadgets

In this digital age, there's an app for everything—including new mom support. Introduce her to some game-changing tech:

  • Baby tracking apps for feeding, sleep, and diaper changes

  • Meditation apps for those much-needed moments of zen

  • Smart baby monitors for peace of mind

Celebrate the Small Wins

In the whirlwind of new motherhood, it's easy to lose sight of progress. Help her celebrate the small victories:

  • The first time the baby sleeps for a 4-hour stretch

  • Successfully leaving the house with the baby

  • Fitting back into pre-pregnancy jeans

These moments matter, and acknowledging them can boost her confidence and mood.

Be Her Sounding Board

Sometimes, the best support is simply being there to listen. Let her vent, cry, or laugh without judgment. Your empathetic ear can be more valuable than any practical help.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it, folks! Nine game-changing tips for supporting new moms. Remember, every mom's journey is unique, but your support can make all the difference. So rally around the new moms in your life and show them some love!

Parenthood is one wild ride, but with a little help from friends, family, and fellow grown-ups like us, new moms can navigate this beautiful, chaotic time with more ease and joy. So, let's rally around the new moms in our lives and show them some love!

Got any other brilliant ideas for supporting new moms? We'd love to hear them! Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more grown-up wisdom delivered straight to your earbuds.

Until next time, keep adulting like a boss,





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